12 January 2006

observation 309.24.07

"The Cold Song"

What Power art thou,
Who from below,
Hast made me Rise,
Unwillingly and slow,
From beds of Everlasting Snow.
See'st thou not how stiff,
And wondrous old,
Far unfit to bear the bitter Cold,
I can scarcely move,
Or draw my Breath,
Let me, let me,
Freeze again to Death.

- Henry Purcell, sung by Klaus Nomi

At the exact second I'm convinced it's all vanishing from my sight again, I'm rushing from the building, looking down to my cellphone glowing back up to me with 3:33pm. It's tempting to wish it'd all go away. But this time around, it won't. And for that, I decided I won't ever wish it away again. The reason I always feel alone especially in a crowded room is because I really am.


It reminded me that I forgot to mention, it suits me. I smiled to myself again and felt that warm glow settle in for a long rest in my heart.


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